May 30, 2009

early mornin' etude

4:07 a.m. seems like as good a time as any to start a blog. Problem is, I'm not sure what to write. Could write about myself. That seems a bit obnoxious, self-absorbent. Perfect. If I can't be self-absorbent at this hour, then when? No one will probably read this anyway. No, don't reckon i'm google-worthy just yet. Though admittedly, I've done the deed. (Who hasn't?). It's just another machination of the larger "me,me,me" cultural context. Now that almost sounds intelligent. Bravo. (Yes, that just happened. Yes it is obnoxious of me).

Anyway, I'm typing this in my girlfriend's college apartment bedroom. A place that I'm now hoping will be part of a social experiment in a which we see if a recent grad and his girl can self-sustain for the summer. Prizes include: sense of individualism, return of mental serenity and all the pretzels you can fit in your mouth in one minute. It's an experiment because $600 or so is all I need to make this work. That and some kind of job, any kind really, that will prevent a total- fund-free-fall. Such an event would threaten a return to my role as the Phantom of Ellet Street, the mysterious man who retreats to his parent's basement for solitude from the harsh world outside.

So we'll see what happens. Still haven't landed a job-job (opposite of a pro-job). But i'm optimistic? Sort of.